Terms of service


The present general conditions apply to all orders submitted to the site wengertslaf.lu. By confirming your order and the terms you agree to have taken into account and accepted them entirely. The site wengertslaf.lu reserves the right to change the present conditions at any moment. The applicable terms are always the ones published at the moment of the order.

Cancellation policy

In accordance to EU regulation you can cancel your orde for a full refund until the 25ᵗʰ of April 2024 (including shipping) without any specific reason. The price will be reimbursed withing 14 days of receiving the cancellation order. Cancellations are handled via email. Please consult the contact details.


All product prices are subject to change without prior notice. The indicated prices are in Euro (€) and including value added tax (VAT) and don’t include shipping costs. Shipping cost is a low fee and is only displayed at the end of the booking process.


Payment of products are handled by Stripe Payment Europe Limited and currently only payment via credit card is supported.


By accepting these terms, you also accept the privacy policy available here.