Privacy Policy


The following privacy policy is valid from the 22nd June 2023 and applies to personal data collected and processed on the site just referenced to as the site.


The data controller responsible for processing of personal information is Benoit Kox Sàrl, 8, rue Neuve L-5560 Remich represented by their Data Protection Officer Claude Kox. The site is hosted by Raffael Mancini, 124 rue de kirchberg, Luxembourg, who also acts as data processor under the data controllers instruction. Any further information or complaints can be directed towards the data controller at or the relevant data protection agency Commission nationale de la protection des données (CNPD).

Rights of the data subject

As a data subject you have, amongst others, the following rights:

  1. Get a list of the personal data processed by the site.
  2. Get an extract of the personal data processed by the site.
  3. Exercise the right to be forgotten, ie. ask for the site to delete your data. Not all data can be deleted (e.g. data collected for tax reasons).

Personal data processed

The site collects and processes the following personal data when the user engages in the ticket buying process:

  1. Customer email address, name and postal address.
  2. Names of participants in the event.
  3. Credit card information (number, expiry date, card holder name, CVC2)

Credit card data are never transmitted by the browser to the site itself but are forwared immediately to Stripe Payments Europe, Limited for further processing.

The customer email address is collected and used for occasionally sending email that are necessary for the event. No marketing emails will be sent to those addresses in this context. The postal address is strictly used to mail out the start numbers. The names of the participants are used during the event for animation purposes.

All data that are not needed for tax reasons will be deleted until one month after the event. Personal data collected during a sales process that was not successfully ended will be deleted once per day.

Legal basis for treatment

The personal information processed under points 1., 2. and 3. are processed under legal basis of EU-GDPR Art. 6, 1 (b) since they are necessary for the performance of the contract, ie. participation to the event.

Data related to a sale are processed under the legal basis of EU-GDPR Art. 6 1 (c) in order to comply with tax regulation.